30/05/22 - The end of our trip. Images are from Green Island and Cairns. The Ashy-bellied White-eyes are very unusual for the area.
28/05/22 - These images are from Kuranda, Cairns Esplanade and Daintree.
24/05/22 Arrived in Cairns last Wednesday and have visited the Cairns Esplanade, Botanic Gardens, Cattana Wetlands and Kuranda. These are some images from those areas.
22/05/22 - A highlight of a weeks stay at Mission Beach was to visit Etty Bay where we had a very cooperative Southern Cassowary. Many of the walking tracks were inacessible following the heavy rains in the area, thus, few images from there.
15/05/22 - These images are the last from the Malanda area. We enjoyed a great night out spotlighting. Apart from what is showing here, we saw a good number of creatures that I was unable to photograph.
08/05/22 - Based in Malanda for 2 weeks we have managed to get out most days in the morning and, despite local showers, continue on in the afternoon.
These are images from the first week. I will add more once processed.
These are images from the first week. I will add more once processed.
28/04/22 - We spent a week in Cooktown with limited opportunities for photography. We had over 250mm (10in) of rain during our stay, but did manage to get out between showers/downpours. These images show a diversity of creatures we were able to seee.
26/04/22 - A trip from Mount Molloy to Mareeba before heading to Cooktown. Even though the Mareeba Wetlands are closed, you can rely on seeing Australian Bustard from the road to the entrance.
We have been in Cooktown for a week and leave tomorrow for Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands.
We have been in Cooktown for a week and leave tomorrow for Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands.
22/04/22 - More from Mount Molloy, again butterflies and dragonflies are more numerous than birds. Maybe the wet weather we are having has the birds keeping under cover.
16/04/22 - Our first week is being spent in Mount Malloy a rural town 50 km north-west of Cairns, named after Pat Malloy who discovered copper in the locality.
Nearby Julatten and Mount Molloy are well known for their bird life and mammals. We have been out birding so far amongst intermittent showers and plan on some night excursions as weather permits. Butterflies and Dragonflies have also gotten our attention.
Nearby Julatten and Mount Molloy are well known for their bird life and mammals. We have been out birding so far amongst intermittent showers and plan on some night excursions as weather permits. Butterflies and Dragonflies have also gotten our attention.
15/04/22 - We arrived in Cairns late afternoon on the 12th April. Picked up our car and off to our accommodation.
The next morning we were at Cairn's Esplanade, near Muddy's Cafe where we had time for a coffee as we waited for the mudflats to emerge. As soon as mud became visible. waders started to appear. We were after a vagrant, Nordmann's Greenshank which duly obliged but was difficult to photograph , unfortunately, we were facing into the sun.
The images below are not named but show some waders that I managed to get decent images of.
The next morning we were at Cairn's Esplanade, near Muddy's Cafe where we had time for a coffee as we waited for the mudflats to emerge. As soon as mud became visible. waders started to appear. We were after a vagrant, Nordmann's Greenshank which duly obliged but was difficult to photograph , unfortunately, we were facing into the sun.
The images below are not named but show some waders that I managed to get decent images of.